
Ongoing Parish Life

Weekday Masses
Most Masses for Saints and Feasts are scheduled the evening before to allow for optimal attendance. The new Liturgical Day begins at sundown  so an evening Mass corresponds to the actual correct ‘date’ of the Feast itself.

Christian Education
September through May 
After Mass & Fellowship Time 
Classes for all ages from children to adults

St. Olaf  Men’s Fellowship
Fourth Saturday of each month at 9am
Office of Matins, breakfast and discussion of a topic with Fr. Alban

Antiochian Women’s Fellowship
of Sts. Sophia, Faith, Hope & Charity

Third Sunday
of each month at 1pm
Various discussions and activities

Inquirers Class
Sundays @12:45pm ~ 12 Week Cycle ~ 
Basic  introduction to the Orthodox Faith
*Please contact Fr Alban anytime with questions

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF)
Tuesdays @6:45pm
Location:  Liberty University, DeMoss Hall Room 1332 

2025 Western Rite Calendar of Saints and Feasts   

Theme: Overlay by Kaira